밤사이의 테크뉴스를 정리했습니다. 특별한 이벤트는 없었지만, Fortune 지가 애플의 CEO 스티브 잡스 Steve Jobs를 최근 10년사이의 최고의 CEO로 선정, 발표해서 관련된 기사들이 좀 많이 있었습니다. 그리고, 트위터와 관련된 생태계는 지켜볼수록 놀랍다는 말밖에 나오지 않네요. The Twitter Times라는 사이트는 개인별로 자신이 팔로잉하는 사용자들이 공통으로 관심을 가졌던 트윗 및 URL을 바탕으로 온라인신문을 발행해서, 공유하는 서비스는 제공해주고 있습니다. 더 많고 다양한 서비스들이 트윗생태계란 이름 안에 묶이는 것을 보면서, 140자는 제한이 아니라 가능성이었다는 걸 새삼스럽게 깨닫게 됩니다. 다른 많은 뉴스들은 아래의 목록을 확인하세요.
- The Twitter Times & My TwitterTimes
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- As Facebook ages, Gen Y turns to Twitter (RWW)
- IBM launches cloud platform for software developers (RWW)
- Online real estate broker redfin adds more recent sales data and links to blogs (TechCrunch)
- Google offers users a peek at stored data (NYTimes)
- Just what is BlueBeat up to? (Telegraph)
- Can Eventbrite shine in Ticketmater's world? (NYTimes)
- Google open sources set of closure tools it users to build its own apps (TechCrunch)
- Motorola's Droid is smart success for Verizon users (AllThingsD)
- Google has music search. Yahoo responds by searching YouTube for music videos (TechCrunch)
- How Gary Vee crushed his way to a bestseller (Fast Company)
- Startups.com becomes a Q&A site for business questions (TechCrunch)
- When should you let an employee make a mistake? (HBR)
- The Power of Less (Forbes)
- Yes, this is how I want to search TV shows [Video] (TechCrunch)
- Activision CEO forecasts flat industrywide game sales for holiday quarter (LATimes)
- Droid vs. Pre vs. iPhone: A cost of ownership reality check (PC World)
- iTunes turned the music market on its head. Could iTunes TV do the same for TV? (VentureBeat)
- A Map of human-dwelling microbes
- Twitter's contribution to modern warfare 2 (CNet)
- 6 innovative ways businesses are capitalizing on Foursquare (TheNextWeb)
- Windows 7 still vulnerable to viruses -- Durr, really? (Wired)
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- Browse before you buy? Adroll's RoundTrip is targeting you (TechCrunch)
- TwitterPeek Review (Engadget)
- Magnatune: How record labels should approach the iPhone (RWW)
- Twitter starts curating trending topics tweets (TechCrunch)
- Ubuntu: The complete beginner's guide (Times)
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