밤 사이에 올라온 테크뉴스들을 정리했습니다. 오늘은 유별나게 많은 뉴스들이 올라와서 제대로 걸러냈는지 모르겠네요. 중요한 뉴스라면 낮동안 다시 올라올테니, 그때 다시 정리해서 올리겠습니다. 몇가지 눈에 띄는 뉴스들은, 구글의 안드로이드 2.0이 출시된다는 소식과, 야후도 실시간 검색에 동참했다는 소식 등이 있네요. 야후의 경우 MS와의 검색딜을 통해서 실시간 검색이 가능한 것같습니다. 그 외의 다양한 뉴스들은 아래의 목록을 참조하세요. (순서 무순)
- Researchers seek UK soundscapes (BBC)
- Inside a cellphone radiation testing lab (Wired)
- How to go from small to super (HBR)
- R.I.P., Open-source evangelism (CNet)
- Girl dead after online date: How to keep your children safe online (Telegraph)
- 3D video without glasses - two new devices on display (LATimes)
- Why we don't hate Wal-Mart anymore (Fortune)
- Did Nokia sue Apple to access multi-touch patents?
- Researching Enterprise 2.0 consulting (BusinessWeek)
- Bruce Nussbaum on design, disruption, and innovation
- Masunaga wink glasses remind people to blink (Telegraph)
- US advertising spending, by category
- Top 10 US online advertising sites
- Online travel bookings, 2005-2013E
- US advertising spending, by medium
- Transparency: The buzz word in finance (HBR)
- New-look Facebook share goes live (Telegraph)
- The Pros and Cons of cloud computing (BusinessWeek)
- Google wants to Wave hello to Microsoft and Apple
- Hechinger annouces new nonprofit to cover education
- Can you teach programmers to be journalists? (ZDNet)
- The current state of civic engagement in America (Pew Internet)
- Piracy around the world: All the attacks by pirates in 2009 (Guardian)
- Darpa looks to send the Internet into Orbit (Wired)
- Android 2.0 Official: It's the Android we've been waiting for (Gizmodo)
- Google Android enclair launched to developers (Telegraph)
- Twitter investor: We didn't need the money (CNet)
- Turning data into information - Tracking H1N1 (Gartner)
- In Search of Exchange 3.0 (AdAge)
- Why Tyrants like Twitter (ABC)
- Poor circulation: Sales of American newspapers keep falling (Economist)
- The cost of tweets and pokes (Forbes)
- Can Android market catch up to the App store? (BusinessWeek)
- Cockroach superpower No. 42: They don't need to pee (Wired)
- Are Smart Grids really stupid? (BusinessWeek)
- Marketing this is it: How Sony created a global event (Time)
- White House vs. Fox is a top story (Pew Research)
- No money marketing (BusinessWeek)
- Seeing how they run from the Pirate Bay (LATimes)
- Advertising a nightmare (Guardian)
- Chart of the day: iPhone is closing in on BlackBerry, Fast
- Google's Eric Schmidt on what the web will look like in 5 years (RWW)
- Paramount goes online to boost its DVD sales (BusinessWeek)
- Los Angeles adopts Google e-mail system for 30,000 city employees (LATimes)
- Consumer Review: The best smartphones on the market (TechCrunch)
- Amazon web services announces relational databased services (RWW)
- AARP aims to increase ranks through software (CNet)
- Yahoo to launch real-time search, too (TechCrunch)
- Celebrity tweets - a user's guide (Guardian)
- Augmented stupidity lands on the iPhone (Wired)
- Mobile email app reMail gets a key addition: Multiple accounts (VentureBeat)
- Netbooks that are easier on the eye (WSJ)
- How to design the Internet experience without becoming the advertisers' bitch (Fast Company)
- Apple Magic Mouse Review
- Qualcomm gets into open source, pigs begin to fly (CNet)
- Grooveshark and virtual music collection (LATimes)
- The New York Times is doing exactly the right thing
- The tech behind U2's recording-smashing tour (CNet)
- Searching for clues in the global warming puzzle (Pew Research)
- Wikia, site for user-generated topic pages, sees explosion of growth (VentureBeat)
- Google Brain Drain: Local Ads exec leaves for VC firm
- Google makes similar images part of image search (CNet)
- Gartner say 80% of enterprise collaboration platform will primarily be based on Web 2.0 technologies by 2013 (Gartner)
- Roku multipliers (LATimes)
- 2010 predictions: Will social media reach ubiquity? (CNet)
- DreamWorks animation's profit drops: No sequel for Monsters vs Aliens (LATimes)
- & more on Internet & Tweets