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- GetGlue.com: Distributed Networking & Recommendations Made Simple & Fun (RWW)
- Women: Saviors of the world economy? (CNN)
- How Google's new social search can suck in your Facebook friends (VentureBeat)
- China: Learning to Spend (HRB)
- Parents would rather talk drugs than math/science with their kids (ZDNet)
- A Verizon iPhone is exclusively in Apple's court, Verizon says (WSJ)
- Vivendi chief Jean-Bernard Levy warns UK it cannot sit on the sidelines in piracy battler (Telegraph)
- UN war crimes tribunal judgments to date, as Radovan Karadzic boycotts his trial (Guardian)
- Death of the book review: Viral loop chronicles Part 2 (Fast Company)
- FarmVille gamemaker Zynga sees dollar signs (Fortune)
- Introducing Google social search: I finally found my friend's New York blog (Google)
- Twitter finds growth abroad with 58.4 million global visitors in September (TechCrunch)
- Facebook makeover: The good, the bad, and the backlash (PCWorld)
- Are the Freakonomics folks off base on global warming? (Time)
- Facebook and MySpace are engaged in content-sharing talks (Telegraph)
- Gmail for iPhone gets never-ending compose box (CNet)
- 20 guesses about what the Apple tablet will look like
- Full list of swine flue cases, country by country (Guardian)
- Where's the remotest place on Earth?
- Pulling the TV cord yet staying plugged in (LATimes)
- The chief value of open source (ZDNet)
- 101 business school iTunes feeds you need to know
- TV viewing among kids at an eight-year high (Nielsen)
- News Corp. prepares to destroy more online value (ZDNet)
- 10 things Google has taught us (Fortune)
- Josh James: The man who measures the Web (Fortune)
- Google Wave to have application store
- Science enters the age of Web 2.0 (BBC)
- Why Android is beating Windows Mobile (ZDNet)
- Obama & Google (a love story) (Fortune)
- What are Hulu's mysterious plans? (RWW)
- Dept. of Energy to announce $3.4B in Smart Grid grants tomorrow (VentureBeat)
- & more on Internet & Tweets