밤사이에 올라온 테크뉴스들을 정리합니다. 이미 모두 알려진 내용들은 모두 다루지 않고, 몇몇 소스의 정보만을 나열하겠습니다.
지난 밤의 최대 뉴스는 아무래도 트위터가 처음에는 MS의 품에 안겼다가, 다시 구글의 품에도 같이 안긴 소식일 듯합니다. 즉, MS 빙과 구글 검색을 통해서 실시간으로 업데이트되는 트윗을 검색할 수 있게 되었습니다. 나머지 소식들은 단편적인 것들입니다.
그리고, 트위터 데이터를 이용한 실시간 검색에 초점을 맞춘 사이에 중요한 데이터가 어제 공개되었습니다. 바로 퓨인터넷 Pew Internet에서 인터넷 사용자들, 특히 트위터에 초점을 맞춘, 조사결과입니다. 최근 인터넷 사용인구의 동향을 파악하기에 좋은 참고자료가 될 것입니다.
(아래의 순서는 무순)
- On the first war of Christmas, Amazon is attacked on three sides (Times)
- The rules for IT are changing and for good reasons (Gatner)
- Government opens data to public (BBC)
- TwitCritics: Movie Reviews Courtesy of Twitter (Mashable)
- Research and Development spending slows (BusinessWeek)
- Energy Trends: Highlights on consumer energy usage 2009 (Nielson) - PDF
- Apple Magic Mouse Review (Gizmodo)
- The future of social media monetization, Part 1 (Social Times)
- The Intention Economy (wearesocial)
- 50 technological advances your children will laugh at (Telegraph)
- The world of tomorrow, if the Internet disappeared today
- 5 things that make us want Barnes & Noble's Nook e-Reader (Gizmodo)
- Google prepares music search service - Updated (Wired)
- Innovation hints at a free data model to savour (Guardian)
- Making new Mileys: Disney's teen-star factory (Times)
- Twitter has a business: Job Agency (TechCrunch)
- What should you say to a parent scared of Wi-Fi? (Guardian)
- Twitter chief looks to mobile for the future (Telegraph)
- The How of Blogging: SOTB 2009 (Technorati)
- TalkBack: An open source screenreader for Android (Google)
- Extreme computing opens up unlimited possibilities (VentureBeat)
- Medical Marijuana (Times)
- The web spends 8 billion minutes online everyday using Facebook (TechCrunch)
- Twitter and Status Updating, Fall 2009 (Pew Internet)
- Pew Study reports that Internet users are becoming more status update-friendly (TechCrunch)
- Twitter use up among social network, mobile, and younger users (RWW)
- Yahoo signs content deal with GroupM ad agency (CNet)
- Twitter-MS & Google Deal
- MS's Bing signs landmark deals with Twitter and Facebook (Telegraph)
- Tweets and updates and search, oh my! (Google)
- Web 2.0: Testing out Bing's Twitter-juiced search (VentureBeat)
- MS's search engine, Bing, to index Twitter updates (Guardian)
- Twitter announces deals with MS and Google on same day (Guardian)
- Google to index Twitter & Enter real-time search market: Implications abound for startups & users (RWW)
- Bing, you're not alone: Google gets in on tweets too (VentureBeat)
- Steve Jobs is $300 million richer (Fortune)
- How successful CEOs respond to failure (HBR)
- Facebook adds digital music to gift store (Mashable)
- Oracle's acquisition of Ailing Sun Stuck in Mire (e-Commerce News)
- Three high-tech tools for understanding consumer behavior (Fast Company)
- Developing your leadership presence (HBR)
- Twitter: You say transparency, I say vulnerability (TechCrunch)
- 7 things you should know about upgrading to Win7 (Wired)
- Google's new social search is a big chess move against Facebook (RWW)
- Things have changed: Facebook to open public messages to search (RWW)
- Enterprise search from a collaborative view: Google, Box.net and Microsoft Sharepoint (RWW)
- Web 2.0 speakers see mobile devices takintg over (USA Today)
- Real-time search startups on Google/Bing/Twitter news: Who will prevail, Who will profit? (RWW)
- Vevo negotiating with EMI and Warner Music (CNet)
- The Internet: A place to pay for music? (LATimes)
- Get ready for the firehose. Search is about to get realtime, real fast. (TechCrunch)
- Futures Thinking: Asking the Question (Fast Company)
- 44 Examples of Nature Inspired Website Designs
- Q&A: Eric Schmidt wants Google in your office (CNet)
- Web 2.0 Panel: Humans as Sensors (RWW)
- & more on Internet & Tweets