당신이 잠든 사이에 벌어졌던 다양한 테크뉴스를 중심으로, 관심가는 뉴스들을 1차 필터링했습니다. (제목 & 트윗만으로) 그리고, 오늘도 제가 여행가이드를 해줘야하기 때문에, 지금 올리는 뉴스링크들에 대한 개별 리트윗은 못할 것같습니다. 그리고, 어제 밤에 리트윗했던 것도 일부 포함시켰습니다.
어제 밤의 주요 뉴스는 애플의 새로운 제품 발표였습니다. 발표 전의 루머들에 등장했던 대부분의 기기들 (아이맥, 맥북, 맥미니, 마우스/매직마우스)이 바로 출시되었습니다. 애플의 신제품에 대한 개별 트윗은 하지 않겠지만, 주요 매체/단체에서 다룬 요약기사링크는 아래에 몇 개 나열했습니다. 그리고, 야후의 실적발표가 있었는데, 개선이 되었지만 Revenue는 계속 감소중이라는 소식이 있습니다. 최근 야후의 혁신 행보는 돋보이지만, 여러 가지 악재들이 겹치는 것같네요. 그리고, Sun Microsystems가 3000명을 감원한다는 우울한 소식도 있습니다.
아래 목록의 순서는 무순입니다.
- 11 things to avoid when using Twitter
- Gartner identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010
- Apple iTunes seen hitting more EU markets in 2010 (Reuters)
- Mob Rule! How users took over Twitter (Wired) 어제 올린: 트위터의 성공요인은 심플, 비대칭, 그리고 개방이다라는 리트윗
- ComCast: Twitter has changed the culture of our company (TechCrunch)
- ComCast CEO: We are not a dead duck (CNet)
- Online Ads not working for you? Blame the Creative (AdvertisingAge)
- Surviving on the Tribal Knowledge of the Few
- Barnes and Noble e-book reader 'Nook' to be unveiled today (ZDNet) Nook에 대한 소식은 이미 다들 아시겠지만, 어제 주요 뉴스중에 하나라서 기사하나만 링크걸었습니다.
- CIA to start spying on social media? (CNet)
- The troubles of Korea's influential economic pundit (Wired) 미네르바 사건을 다룬 것입니다..
- Red Hat and Google share the CIO love (CNet)
- Microsoft releases Win7-friendly version of desktop optimization pack (ZDNet)
- A Guide to Win7 Networking (PCWorld)
- Did Sears just whoop Wal-Mart, Amazon, and Target in the book-price war? (FastCompnay)
- Tech Addictions: Email and texting top social media in Gen Y (Mashable)
- Balloon boy takes media for a ride (Pew Research Center)
- Google to crash Android Party... 구글이 직접 안드로이드 기기를 만들 수도 있다.
- Apple finally unveils its expensive 27-inch television (FastCompany)
- Low-end MacBook gets unibody design (PCWorld)
- Apple's new Macs: Headwinds into tailwinds (Fortune)
- Apple unleashes new Macs, multitouch mouse (Wired, Gadget lab)
- Business rules technology belongs in you architecture (Forrest Research)
- Web-based e-Mail: Business beware (BusinessWeek)
- Government measures against illegal file-sharing to be watered down (Guardian)
- Singing a new tune: Google search appliance now include automated tuning, better connectivity (Google)
- Google Analytics now more powerful, flexible and intelligent (Google)
- More accessibility features in Android 1.6 (Google)
- Manage your tasks with Google (Google)
- Yahoo profits up, revenue still declining (CNet)
- Weekly TV Ratings (Nielsen Wire) 닐슨의 시청률조사
- Leaking crypto keys from mobile devices (CNet)
- Sun to cut 3,000 jobs amid probe (BBC)
- Twitter and status updating (Pew Internet) 2008년도 자료인데, 2009년도 자료는 오늘/내일 중으로 발표된데요.
- Mark Pincus: Web 3.0 is the App Economy (TechCrunch)
- Web 2.0: PayPal opens up platform to developers (VentureBeat)
- FireFox is coming to Android (RWW)
- Interactive Art: Playing with Light (Wired)
- MS to launch revamped SharePoint as public beta (TechNewsWorld)
- A New Search Engine Specializing in Fun (WSJ)
- Mary Meeker: Economy is recovering, mobile is exploding, and the iPhone is awesome (TechCrunch)
- Win an Internet flame war (Wired)
- Is social media marketing measurable? The big debate.
- Want to run Win7? Buy a Mac (Forbes)
- Social Media vs Institutions
- Economic recovery boosts Asia Pacific Ad spend (Nielsen Wire
- KnowEm helps businesses stake their claim to brands on social media platforms (TechCrunch)
- Design thinking improves conscious capitalism (BusinessWeek)
- Will Apple find El Dorado in Beijing? (ZDNet)
- More data points to uptick in third quarter venture funding (TechCrunch)
- Hey, Showbiz Folks: Check your contract before your next tweet
- Day 2: The what and why of blogging - SOTB 2009 (Technorati) Technorati에서 the State of Blogosphere 2009를 계속 발표중입니다.
- Web 2.0: Twitter co-founder Williams wants to kill suggested users list; praises Facebook's agility (VentureBeat)
- National Design Week: The Business of Design (BusinessWeek)
- Mobile web is taking over the world (and other Internet trends) (Mashable)
- & more on Internet and Tweet.
Updates (2009년 10월 21일, 오후 4시 현재)
- Google Release API for Website Optimizer: A/B & Multivariate Testing for All (RWW)
- AT&T vs. Google on Net Neutrality (LATimes)
- Q&A: Author Malcolm Gladwell (Times)
- What is the Semantic Web?
- 10 things you need to know about Apple's new stuff (Gizmodo)
- Russia vs United States: A Visual Comparison
- Twitter cofounder Williams says seeing slowing growth in some areas (Reuters)
- Mobile social network wars: Loopt acquires GraffitiGEO (TechCrunch)
- Yahoo: Online advertising has stabilized (BusinessWeek)
- HP lets you print old books or Wikia pages as your own custom publications (VentureBeat)