밤사이에 올라온 테크뉴스를 모았습니다.
지난 밤을 정리하면 그냥 '구글'입니다. 먼저, 구글 맵스에 네비게이션 기능을 탑재했다는 발표, 그리고 안드로이드폰인 Droid에 대한 소식, 그리고 새벽에는 구글음악검색에 대한 트윗들로 넘쳐났습니다. 여기에, Fake Chrome OS (본인도 속음)에 대한 것도 있었습니다. 그리고, PowerMeter라는 가정의 전기사용 등을 웹으로 확인하는 것도 영국에 오픈했습니다. 나머지 소식들은 겉저리?... 일단 제목만으로 흥미로워보였던 트윗들을 아래에 모았습니다. (무순)
- Oh Crap! My parents joined Facebook (TIME)
- Economic Current (Oct 2009, Nielsen)
- The future of social media monetization, Part II
- The secret behind Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile (Telegraph)
- High Res Video of Ares I-X launch (Gizmodo)
- Will Google's powermeter help save the planet? (Guardian)
- Google co-founder Sergey Brin wants more computers in schools (LATimes)
- Google launches music search with Lala, Pandora, Rhapsoday, imeem and MySpace (LATimes)
- Google's bid to save the music industry, one search at a time (LATimes)
- Music search is Google's newest tune (CNet)
- Analysis of Twitter's Top 100 Users (TheNextWeb)
- Party with IBM like it's 1999 (Fortune)
- Going Solo: One year later (HBR)
- HTC CEO on Android, Verizon, Microsoft (Forbes)
- WARNING: New Twitter phishing scam spreading via direct message (Mashable)
- The rise of urban gaming (Guardian)
- Announcing Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0 (Google)
- Google should make Apple beg for maps navigation (TechCrunch)
- Layar gets fresh funding, promises multiple realities (Fast Company)
- 2009 World Series expects big market appeal (Nielsen)
- My biggest mistake - 40 under 40 (Fortune)
- Google Earth beware: The brits are coming (Guardian)
- How Green is your SIGG water bottle? (TIME)
- First Look: Motorola's Droid is memorable, but won't make you forget the iPhone (Wired)
- Fake Google Chrome OS looks a lot like Ubuntu (ZDNet)
- The Chinese Internet: Why the Copy Cats win (TechCrunch)
- Apple's 2009 AD budget: Half a billion (Fortune)
- Big Brother, we're watching you (Guardian)
- 10 things corporations can learn from Pro Wrestling (Fast Company)
- Google and the deadly power of data (Gizmodo)
- Survey: Few companies addressing cyberterrorism (CNet)
- 140 character conference presents Dave Winer: How I learned to stop worrying and love the fail whale (YouTube)
- Does Twitter really cost British business 1.4B pounds a year? (Guardian)
- The Female blogger deficit: Are we too nice, or not nice enough?
- Kids watch a day of TV each week (BusinessWeek)
- The anti-iTunes arms dealer (Fortune)
- BBC's project canvas could reach 3.5m homes by 2014 (Telegraph)
- Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, interviewed at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo Orlando 2009 (YouTube)
- Time spent on Yahoo homepage up 20% since redesign (TechCrunch)
- Facebook woos developers with a roadmap (CNet)
- Operating Systems offer new choices in PC shopping (WSJ)
- Google says its navigation will come to iPhone, if Apple approves (AppleInsider)
- The genius brothers behind Google Wave (CNN)
- & more on Internet & Tweets