밤사이에 올라온 테크뉴스를 정리하겠습니다. 지난 밤은 특정 사안들보다는 샌프란시스코에서 열린 Web 2.0 컨퍼런스에 참석한 주요 테크기업들의 수장들의 인터뷰들이 많이 있습니다. 그들이 생각하는 자신의 기업의 비전이나 전반적인 인터넷 생태계 등에 대한 생각을 읽을 수 있습니다. 그리고, MS와 아마존이 실적발표를 했는데, 구글이나 애플과 같은 임팩트는 주지 못했네요.
- Google's Sergey Brin says Yahoo! should stick with search (Telegraph)
- UK swine flu cases data where you live (Guardian)
- Evan Williams on Twitter's vision for the future (Telegraph)
- LinkedIn: The secret to the online business networks success (Telegraph)
- The science of Reweets on Twitter
- Technorati: If you blog, you have to tweet (VentureBeat)
- How GE is disrupting itself (PDF) (HBR) - MUST READ
- Google competes for the future; Microsoft, the past (CNet) - MUST READ
- Day 5: Twitter, Global impact and the future of blogging - SOTB 2009 (Technorati)
- The Ad-supported world: Ready or not, here it comes (TechCrunch)
- CNN.com relaunch to focus on video (Guardian)
- US bookshops urge regulator to investigate online price war (Guardian)
- 6 Pro photographers share their most guarded digital secrets
- The most creative people in businesses: Top 25 (Fast Company)
- Five ways to become the next video star (LATimes)
- Lala snips some of the ties that bind web songs (LATimes)
- Nintendo prepping 'New Super Mario Bros. Wii' and 'Zelda: Spirit Tracks' for the holidays (LATimes)
- Online radio comes to the BlackBerry (LATimes)
- CEO pensions encourage earnings games (BusinessWeek)
- Another electric superbike is coming (Wired)
- The best - and worst - places to be a journalist (Times)
- Google takes steps towards an open App engine (Tech.Review)
- 'Google Audio' to mash up 4 cool web 2.0 music services (Wired)
- University makes Twitter a required class for journalism students (Mashable)
- Nation's first open source election software released (Wired)
- The Twitter Question (Pew Internet)
- The Hollywood plot to turn DVD renters into buyers (LATimes)
- CNN Now in "Horse Race" with Huffington Post and Daily Beast (Beet.TV)
- Google maps improves the ability to see where the streets have no name (TechCrunch)
- Google's Schmidt: Washington politics "not very interesting" (ZDNet)
- To beat the Recession, Reinvent your business (BusinessWeek)
- Amazon's Kindle to benefit AT&T vs. Sprint? (BusinessWeek)
- Symbian: Regaining Momentum? (BusinessWeek)
- We're building an electric car! (Wired)
- Week in review: Search engines get social (CNet)
- The Art of the Exit (HBR)
- Million-Dollar Apps (BusinessWeek)
- Microsoft's results: Online, it's losing more money than before (Guardian)
- Wave Basics - Not about Google Wave