밤사이에 올라온 테크뉴스트윗들입니다. 팔로잉수가 늘어나기 제대로 못 모으는 경우가 발생하네요. 커버리지가 좀 낮아지더라도, 일부 팔로잉은 정리해야할 것같습니다.
밤사이의 대표적인 뉴스는 1. MS의 Windows 7발매, 2. 특허권 침해로 노키아의 애플 제소, 3. 아마존의 PC 버전 킨들제공... 등이 있습니다.
아래는 무순입니다.
- Windows 7: Can MS reboot reputation and give the tech sector a jolt? (LATimes)
- Climate map shows world after 4C rise (Guardian)
- Google reader adds magic to your feeds (Mashable)
- Explaining (some of) Google's algorithm with pretty charts & math stuff
- Technorati: Full-time bloggers are making more money than ever (VentureBeat)
- The New York Times Company reports 2009 third-quarter results
- Top 10 Microsoft Moments (Times)
- Wedding gift can't open until taken to secret GPS location (LATimes)
- 7 reasons to get Windows 7 today (and 6 reasons not to)
- Chicago News Venture to sell content to New York Times (NYTimes)
- World carbon emissions, by country: New data released (Guardian)
- 40 under 40 (Fortune)
- Twitter offered $500,000 to run advert (Telegraph)
- Battle of the OS Titans (Forbes)
- 20 ways businesses use Twitter (BusinessWeek)
- Net neutrality: Let the wild rumpus start (LATimes)
- Google co-founder: I did not try to buy Twitter (Mashable)
- Inside the App Economy (BusinessWeek)
- Portrait of a Twitter users: Status update demographics (Pew Internet)
- Snow Leopard versus Windows 7 (PCWorld)
- Zynga: Inside the App Factory (BusinessWeek)
- Business: The new liberal art (BusinessWeek)
- The Apple of Nokia's Eye (Fortune)
- Web 2.0: News Corp.'s digital chief is serious about regaining momentum (VentureBeat)
- Bing keeps growing while Yahoo's steady decline continues (RWW)
- When technology fails to work for us
- Amazon stops selling Sprint-powered Kindle (CNet)
- The Asian e-Commerce opportunity (e-Commerce Times)
- Web 2.0: Adobe CEO confident against Microsoft, vague on iPhone (VentureBeat)
- Open-source hardware, start-ups, and land wars in Asia (CNet)
- Number of Americans who believe in climate change drops, survey shows (Guardian)
- LocaFollow: Finding local Tweeps made easy (RWW)
- Viral Loop Chronicles part 1: Forget everything you've heard about book publishing (Fast Company)
- GM taps social media to engage consumers (BusinessWeek)
- Ballmer on Zune: Sometimes you get it right the third time? (Gizmodo)
- Amazon set to release Kindle for PC app (CNet)
- Fewer Americans see solid evidence of global warming (Pew Research)
- Spreadable Media: A cure for viral marketing (Fast Company)
- News Corp. COO sees Hulu charging fees for access (USA Today)
- Honda's social experiment nets 2 million Facebook friends (Advertising Age)
- Vokswagen to rely solel on iPhone App for GTI launch (Advertising Age)
- & more on Internet & Tweets